MAKT 451 – International Marketing– 3 hours credit –Bases and promotion of foreign trade; international marketing organizations and methods; technical and financial features of international marketing.
Upon successful completion of this course, student will have:
- Familiarity with selected marketing issues in a multicultural environment, beyond the single and familiar U.S. business environment;
- Skills to examine alternative ways by which a firm can expand internationally and overcome its associated problems.
- Skills to develop a systematic approach for dealing with international marketing problems.
- Knowledge and awareness to be sensitive to economic, political, and cultural differences among nations as they effect marketing.
- Understanding of the international framework of organizations, laws, and practices that effect marketing.
- Abilities to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities abroad.
- Foundation developing skills in gathering information, drawing conclusions from it, and presenting the material.
- The skills to work on an international marketing plan that could be used to show prospective employers.