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ENVN 180 Survey of Environmental Science (3 credit hours)

This course explores how our planet works, and how humans depend upon and influence it. The goal of the course is to increase your awareness of our roles on Earth and to explore ways and how we can be good stewards of the world we depend upon. As an introduction to environmental science, we will emphasize the interactions between humans and the natural world. Topics include; the structure and function of ecosystems; population growth; minerals, water, food and energy resources, waste management, and pollution. Local and global environmental issues are discussed.


After completing this class, students should be able to:

  • Outline and describe the major components of an ecosystem.
  • Describe the ways that human activities have unbalanced biogeochemical cycles, leading to current environmental dilemmas.
  • List the major types of air and water pollution, and describe their effects on global health.
  • Compare and contrast the population dynamics controlling the growth of other species with that of the growing global human population.
  • Define biodiversity and outline the major threats to biodiversity existing today.
  • Compare and contrast current conventional energy uses with those of sustainable energy.
  • Explain how the dumping of solid, toxic, and hazardous wastes relate to environmental health.
  • Describe, and give examples of, how each human has an impact on environmental sustainability.


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