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CRJS 235 – Criminal Procedures – 3 hours credit

CRJS 235 Criminal Procedures3 hours credit –An examination of constitutional case law as decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. Focus is on the criminal justice system and its relation to government powers and citizen’s constitutional rights.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the legal system and the role that the U.S. Supreme Court plays in affecting the judicial system.
  • Know how to research the law and find significant federal and state decisions affecting the criminal justice system.
  • Identify from fact patterns what possible constitutional issues may be involved in determining the validity of a successful prosecution.
  • Describe and identify the significant constitutional and statutory rules that may affect the civil rights and civil liberties of citizens including the meaning of First Amendments freedom of speech and freedom of association and the second amendments right to bear arms


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