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MAKT 365 – Service Operations Management – 3 hours credit

MAKT 365 – Service Operations Management3 hours credit – The course analyzes the role of operations management in manufacturing and service organizations. Topics include production planning, master scheduling, inventory control, material requirements planning, personnel planning, quality control, and just-in-time systems.


Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able:

  • To obtain an overview of the successful Service Operations Management (SOM) function through the introduction of the topics traditionally associated with the study of Service Operations Management.
  • To develop an understanding of the terminology and responsibilities that relate to Service Operations Management.
  • To formulate and describe the function of the Service Operations Management discipline in various sectors of the economy through case study.
  • Illustrate what is involved in the “design and development” from an operations management perspective of a product to include organizing a supply chain and designing a virtual production facility.
  • Explain how people skills and emotional intelligence drive success in operations management through discussions of real-world experiences, current trends, and “people skills” type training tools.
  • Utilize quantitative techniques and technologies that impact operations management decision making (i.e., forecasting, facility location, facility layout, statistical quality control, waiting line theory, and project scheduling and tracking tools) to illustrate how these tools provide a basis for monitoring personnel and organizational performance and ultimately are the basis for problem solving.
  • To obtain a set of basic tools and skills used in solving problems traditionally associated with operating the service operations system.
  • To explore the interface of Service Operations Management with the other management functions, such as marketing, procurement & sourcing, outsourced good & services and customers.
  • Deploy technology in the improvement of service, customer relationships and globalization.
  • Ability to organize, develop and advance a service operation business plan vision using critical thinking through writing at a business level, as opposed to an academic level.



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