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Programs Areas

At Leighton University, the course is the basic unit of instruction and measurement of academic progress. A majority of courses carry three credits (the equivalent of three semester credit hours) within a six  or an eight week Term (semester period compressed). Exceptions include some science courses, independent study projects, Practica/internships.

Normally, 100-level courses are introductory courses, 200-level courses are sophomore courses and 300- and 400-level courses are junior and senior courses. First-year students may not enroll in 300- or 400-level courses. Permission may be extend to transfer students who demonstrate exceptional maturity or background in the discipline.

Courses are generally offered by academic disciplines organized within schools, which make available coherent patterns of courses for students to take to complete the requirement for a major.

(Hot links for major and degree)

MajorSchoolDiscipline AHEGIS CodesDegree Offered
Business ManagementSchool of BusinessManagementMNGTBachelor of Science | BS
Associate of Science | AS
Business MarketingSchool of BusinessMarketingMRKTBachelor of Science | BS
Associate of Science | AS
Criminal JusticeSchool of Arts and SciencesCriminal JusticeCRJSBachelor of Science  | BS
Associate of Science | AS
EconomicsSchool of BusinessEconomicsECONBachelor of Science  | BS
Associate of Science | AS
Liberal StudiesSchool of Arts and SciencesLiberal StudiesALL AbbreviationsBachelor of Science  | BS
Associate of Science | AS
Paralegal StudiesSchool of Arts and SciencesParalegal StudiesPALEBachelor of Science   | BS
Associate of Science | AS