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Gift Options

We are proud to recognize the many ways through which friends, parents, and community leaders make financial contributions each year to the University.  At Leighton University, no one goes it alone. Your generosity helps Leighton students reach their full potential by supporting scholarships, academic programs, facility enhancements, resources, and initiatives that shaped the education of our talented and diverse students by assisting them as they prepare to be the leaders of tomorrow.

To recognize their support, the University offers giving societies, which honor both one-time, annual, and lifetime giving. The giving societies encompass a special community of investors who serve as the foundation for the growth of Leighton University.  To honor and recognize our donors for their support of Leighton University’s mission and vision, the University offers membership to five different Giving societies. Membership is achieved through contributions of cash, real estate, appreciated securities, gifts-in-kind, or with planned gifts through wills, trusts, or life insurance policies.

Learn more about our donor societies and consider joining us! We welcome your involvement at all levels.

Circle of Friends
Global Circle
Founders' Circle
Chancellor's Circle
Directors' Circle
Trustees' Circle