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CUIN 560 – Assessments, Tests, and Measurements

CUIN 560 Assessments, Tests, and Measurements – 3 hours credit: This course involves the study of varied approaches to the practice of assessment and evaluation with special attention to a multicultural society, including introduction and history of testing and assessment; concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing and other assessment techniques; statistical and psychometric concepts, social and cultural factors related to assessment; and ethical issues related to assessment.

Grading status: Letter grade.

Learner Outcomes

  • Use the results of standardized tests to help make decisions about students and educational systems
  • Develop appropriate documentation to communicate the quality of an assessment properly.
  • Incorporate meaning into test score scales using both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced procedures
  • Develop a sense for the ethical issues in educational measurement and evaluation.
  • Evaluate tests and items using statistical and qualitative methods.

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