CUIN 510 Foundations of Curriculum Design and Evaluation – 3 hours credit: The course offers an overview of curriculum development and the use of the Instructional Systems Design Model (ISDM). Course participants will learn to design & evaluate curriculum, develop instructional materials, assess student learning, and measure instructional outcomes for online classes from K-20 and beyond. Topics include preparing course outlines and course syllabi, developing lesson plans, designing evaluation instruments, and explaining how learning objectives & evaluation strategies affect selecting content and materials.
Grading status: Letter grade.
Learner Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop instructional goals based upon best practices
- Assess learners’ skills and characteristics.
- Construct measurable objectives that attend to cognitive, affective, social, and psychomotor development.
- Analyze appropriate procedures for reporting assessment results to parents, administrators, and other school constituents
- Apply research and the reflective process to make appropriate and sound instructional design decisions.
- Construct an assessment plan that effectively monitors diverse aspects of student learning.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how frameworks/models can be used to clarify and develop conceptions of curriculum.
- Demonstrate and understand how curriculum frameworks can guide the development of an educational program.
- Demonstrate Learn how knowledge of curriculum foundations and best curriculum practices can enhance school leadership’s capacity at varying developmental levels from K-12 professional education.
- Design instructional plans that address different domains and levels of learning.
- Design lesson plans based upon principles of effective instructional design and applied curricular theory.
- Engage in an intellectual exploration of issues.
- Examine professional journals in one’s subject area discipline.
- Integrate technology effectively in instructional planning.’
- Articulate defensible criteria to support written contributions to online discussions.
- Use assessment data to modify instruction.