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Student Handbook

Academic Forgiveness Policy

The Academic Forgiveness policy pertains only to former Leighton University students returning to the university as undergraduate students after a significant absence and before earning any degree at any institution. It provides them an opportunity to have their academic standing reflect their increased maturity and readiness, and improved level of academic performance gained since the interruption of studies at Leighton University. Specifically, once the returning students have demonstrated the ability to sustain a satisfactory level of academic performance following their return, any grades below a C earned during the previous Leighton University enrollment will be disregarded in the calculations of hours earned and grade point average.

Academic forgiveness is available to any Leighton University student who has not been enrolled for at least one calendar year (12 months).

Academic Forgiveness
Any student who has not been enrolled at Leighton University for at least 12 consecutive months may request information on the Academic Forgiveness policy and an Application for Academic Forgiveness form from the Academic Advisement Center. Once the acknowledgment portion of the way is completed, the student’s records will be reviewed by the appropriate academic areas after each subsequent academic Session.

After returning to Leighton University, a student must complete a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA to be eligible for academic forgiveness. If the student meets these conditions, has completed the Application for Academic Forgiveness form, and requests to have the policy applied, the following steps will be taken with regard to the student’s academic record: