
Questions? 662-280-5444

Mathematics Teacher


  • Command on Subject
  • Communication Skills


  • Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 15:00
  • Sunday - Saturday: Only Appointment

Miss Kitty Kat

M.Phill Biology from Harvard!

Nulla facilisi. Donec vel feugiat urna, vel sagittis enim. Quisque eros odio, cursus id libero ac, ornare viverra quam. Vestibulum diam diam, varius id tortor vitae, gravida congue risus. Fusce vitae ex vitae neque dignissim vulputate. Fusce et massa sodales ex scelerisque finibus. Vestibulum porttitor erat lacus, id tincidunt ex luctus nec. Suspendisse tempus porttitor libero, eu cursus ipsum. Phasellus et gravida neque, quis porttitor metus. Phasellus tempor enim enim, eget interdum quam vulputate sed. Maecenas ac dolor justo. Maecenas rhoncus, metus a condimentum suscipit, purus ligula sollicitudin nisi, scelerisque porttitor metus odio vel nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus ut lacus diam. Vestibulum porttitor erat lacus, id tincidunt ex luctus nec. Suspendisse tempus porttitor libero.

Nulla facilisi. Donec vel feugiat urna, vel sagittis enim. Quisque eros odio, cursus id libero ac, ornare viverra quam. Vestibulum diam diam, varius id tortor vitae, gravida congue risus.



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What Parent's Say About Doe Bravo?

I'm a graduate of a community college, for which I'm very thankful. I selected Leighton as a place to complete my bachelor's degree program in economics. It has been a great opportunity for me and opened so many doors. My course instructors are very helpful. They are very good at instilling values in me that will be useful in my career thus far.

Jason Willard, BA Economics

At Leighton University, my program has given me an in-depth curriculum to criminology from a broader perspective of understanding that includes how cultural, emotional, physiological, and experiential differences contribute to violence and victimization. With these skills, I'm convinced I'll be ready for the profession!

Randy Stewart, BA Criminal Justice

I think everyone should come in as an undecided major. People change their major multiple times throughout college and have to start over. As an undecided major, my advisor encouraged me to consider selecting a minor first and select a group of courses that I would be envisioning myself the business career path. I selected to take courses in the General Business minor areas soon I found out what I like. It’s nice to explore different majors by the classes you are taking. I found out that I love Economics. Overall I think being an undecided major helped me choose the major I am now.

Jessica Lepinski, BA Economics

Before seeking admission to Leighton, my educational and career background was in business marketing. I reached a turning point in my life when I decided I wanted a bigger challenge and to help people. My Aunt told me to write down on a piece of paper everything I wanted to do, and see what aligns with my skills. The first thing I wrote down was “lawyer”. It was a perfect fit for me because I would have the opportunity to utilize my research, negotiating and relationship building skills.

Estanislao Morielo BA Paralegal Studies

I chose Leighton because of the amazing opportunities to keep my job and attend my courses at my own time and that gave me time to grow socially, academically, and professionally as well as the inclusivity and love that I have felt from my online community."

Emily Hampton, AA Paralegal Studies

All through high school, I always excelled at science, but when it came to picking a college major, my passion for Criminal Justice was undeniably stronger. With Leighton's online degree in Criminal Justice, I can marry both fields without having to give up or devote any less time to my innate passion for detail. For example, classes in the Criminal Justice major have aided me in becoming interested in details and clues. I should have taken more classes in marketing and especially enrolling in courses that broaden my perspective on equity research and manage multiple special investment projects.

Jeff Simmon, AA, Criminal Justice


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