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There’s always that one really trendy class . . .
Interested in registering for a class, but enrollment is already full? You can join the waitlist. Class openings are filled from the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis and are given to students who are taking less than the maximum number of hours and who don’t have scheduling conflicts.
Course Waitlisting
Waitlisting is unavailable for courses with a corequisite.
What is Waitlisting?
The waitlist feature allows students to place themselves in line to enroll in a closed class (a class that is full because the maximum enrollment limit has been reached) as seats become available. This tool allows students to communicate with the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs about their intent/desire to register for a full/closed course. A registration waitlisting is an electronic list of students waiting to register for a filled course. Students may sign up for this option when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity. The first student on the Registration Waitlisting is notified via Leighton University’s email when a space becomes available.
How does it Work?
- After courses fill up, students will be able to add themselves to the waitlist in MyLeighton
- Students can also be added to the waitlist by registration staff when registering with the paper form
- Students are placed on the waitlist in the order in which they requested to waitlist the class (first come, first served)
- Being on the waitlist DOES NOT mean that the student is registered for the course – it merely shows the student’s intent that he/she is a desire to register for the course
- Waitlisting a class DOES NOT guarantee a spot in the course
- Students will be able to see their position/rank on each waitlisted class in MyLeighton, and monitor/manage their registrations/waitlists accordingly (decide if they want to stay on the waitlist or choose another section)
- Registration staff in the Office of the Registrar will be managing the waitlist
- As spots open up in various courses, registration staff will put students from the waitlist into classes (based on the students’ position on the waitlist; first on the waitlist, first registered in the course)
- Students will be notified via email when they are moved from the waitlist into a course
Waitlisting Frequently Asked Question
Who should use the Waitlisting function?
Any student who has a need or desire to be in a specific section of a course, but the section or sections meeting that need are currently closed due to reaching their capacity.
Can any student use Waitlisting?
Yes! Any undergraduate or graduate student can use the Waiting. However, a student on Academic Probation can register for waitlisting online if academic navigators have permitted them.
How will this process affect me if I wait to see if course sections become available after the payment due date?
It is not unusual to have many students who wait until after the first payment deadline date to see if non-paying students are de-registered from their courses, thereby opening up space in the course sections. Using this waitlisting process, if students are removed from course sections for non-payment, their spots will be filled by those people on the waitlist.
How do I put myself on the waitlist?
You may use Registration Portal in MyLeighton or In-Person in the administration building at 107 Stateline Road East, Southaven, MS 38671, to add yourself to a waitlist. If you would like to be added to a waiting list at the Registration counter, fill out the registration form with the information of the closed course section, and the Registration staff will add you to the waiting list.
What is the last day to sign up for a waiting list?
Students will be able to add themselves to the waitlists up through 5:00 p.m. on the first day of late registration.
When does waitlisting end?
On the third day of classes, waitlisting is turned off, and the Office of the Registrar adds permission for individual students to add their classes. The waitlisting roster will be cleared, and the instructor can add any student they wish to their class, considering the assigned course’s capacity.
What are my chances of getting enrolled in a course I’m waitlisting?
Students will be moved from the waitlist into the class if space becomes available. There is no guarantee that you will be moved off a waitlist and enrolled in a class. Approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the beginning of classes, the process to move students from the waitlist runs for the final time, then all waitlists are purged. Instructors are not required to add students who were previously on the waitlist.
If I am automatically registered from a waitlisting, when is my tuition for that course due?
All tuition follows the same payment schedule, regardless of whether you are automatically registered from a waitlist or you can register directly into the course. For the payment schedule, please see Payment Methods.
I forgot that I added my name to a waitlist, and I was automatically registered for the course section. What can I do?
By placing your name on the waiting list, you agree that you are financially obligated to pay for that course. If it is before the deadline to drop with a refund, you can go through the procedure to drop the course and receive a refund. If it is beyond that date, you may still withdraw from the course and receive a W, but you are financially responsible for the course. For the current semester drop and withdraw dates, please see the Registration Calendar.
Can I remove myself from a waiting list?
Yes, you can remove yourself via Registration Portal or at registration.