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Advisement Roles and Responsibilities

Leighton considers advising as relationship that carries responsibilities shared between the student and the Academic Navigator with the goal to foster intellectual and personal development toward academic success and lifelong learning. The relationship expected between an academic navigator and their advisee is shared responsibility. Advising is a collaborative two-way street; both the student and the Academic Navigator have responsibilities in the process. Each one must play their part.

Responsibilities of the Student

Takes the initiative to understand program information (requirements, courses)
Obtains necessary signatures on University forms (Registration Forms, Change of Schedule, etc.).
Checks University issued email account routinely and regularly.
Submit appropriate forms for processing to the Office of the Registrar.
Inquires and pause questions..
Reaches out to his/her Academic Navigator. In all cases, is mindful of the need to work with the Academic Navigator during posted office hours..
Reads and maintains a copy o the academic policies and ask questions where necessary.
Makes inquires and pause questions.

Responsibilities of the Navigator

Accessible to meet with students during office hours and by appointment.
Interprets and provides the rationale for institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
Refers students who may need assistance solving academic or personal problems.
Helps students define and develop realistic educational career plans through schedule planning for each academic Term. Each student should have an up-to-date academic program plan through to graduation.
Effectively communicate institutional standards for graduation.
Maintains up-to-date knowledge about the University's programs and requirements; consults with contacts at various transfer institutions regarding the course and program transferability, admission, and graduation requirements.