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Before registering for coursework MATH or ENGL credit yielding course, students pursuing must submit official ACT or SAT scores unless the student meets one of the Leighton exemptions. Students who do not present the minimum required test scores will be required to enroll in corequisite courses (MATH 0110 along with MATH 110E for students whose program requires MATH 110 or MATH 0112 along with MATH 112E College Algebra to meet the major area requirement (e.g., Business Courses); or ENGL 011 Enrichment English Composition and Grammar along with ENGL 112E and remain in those courses until ENGL 110 is completed. These courses are often paired with the same instructor teaching the MATH E or ENGL E courses.
Important to Know!
Intent of Co-Requisite Courses
Corequisite courses may also offer an option for students who desire to review and continue to develop basic educational skills, even though the courses may not be required based on guiding criteria for exemption. The non-credit-bearing corequisite courses do not carry credit hours for transfer, do not calculate into a student’s academic GPA, and cannot be used for graduation purposes
Expected Performance in Co-Requisite Courses
The corequisite sequence intended to support students in acquiring the essential skills needed to succeed at the University. All students, irrespective of their entry Term, are expected to do their utmost best to complete the corequisite and paired credit courses within an 8-week Term. Students may earn a letter grade in the paired courses. If a student withdraws from the corequisite course, they must withdraw from the paired credit-earning course.
Placement Examinination
When students do not place in the course they want to take; they are encouraged to retake the placement test. There is no fee to retake a placement test, and students are encouraged to spend time reviewing material from previous courses before retesting.