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Congratulations and welcome to Leighton! You’ve taken the first important step towards your future. Now that you’ve applied and been accepted, there are some additional steps you need to complete before you can register.
Your classes start every 6 or 8 weeks, so be sure to complete these STEPS soon so you can register and have time to prepare for your classes. Here are the next steps to take to get register for classes.
STEP 1 - Set up Your MyLeighton Account
Find either the eMail or the Welcome Letter you received! The letter included your Student ID Number, and be sure to store it for safekeeping! You will access your MyLeighton account all the time, as it is the platform for your student information.
STEP 2 - Meet with Your Academic Navigator
Review your admission letter to find the name and contact information of your Academic Navigator (AN). If you've not received a call yet from the AN) initiate reach out to the Academic Success Center either by phone (662.280.5444 or by email at [email protected] and request make a request to meet with you AN virtually or by phone to schedule your classes. The AN will serve as your advocate and partner throughout the registration process beyond. Your AN will be available to answer questions, and will give the necessary guidance you may need for success.
STEP 3 – Submit Your Official Transcript
If you’re a recent high school graduate or taken college courses, you should submit your transcripts to Leighton University. Not all new students need to submit transcripts; so ask your Academic Navigator if you need to complete this step.
STEP 4 - Complete Your Placement Assessment
In order to make sure the classes you take are the right fit for you, Leighton University needs to determine your reading, writing, and math skills through the assessment process. This important step can even help you save on college cost and get you to graduate faster than expected!
Not all students need to take Knowledge Assessment if you have met other placement methods such as an SAT score. Ask your Academic Navigator to help you with this step.
Not all students need to take Knowledge Assessment if you have met other placement methods such as an SAT score. Ask your Academic Navigator to help you with this step.
STEP 5 - Meet with Your Academic Navigator
Once you have successfully completed the STEPS above, you will need to meet with your Academic Navigator. This member of the Academic Success Center will be your guide as you navigate, determine, and select the courses to take each Term. Leighton University wants to ensure that all students have the best possible experience as they pursue their degree programs. Regular meetings with your Academic Navigator will support you most in planning better and building an Academic Completion Plan. Your availability to work with an Academic Navigator, also, makes it easier to create and, if necessary, edit your plan; which may end up even saving you time and money.
STEP 6 - Register for Your Classes
With the support from your Academic Advisor, find courses that fit your schedule and are appropriate to your degree program.
STEP 8 - Pay Your Tuition and Fees
Term tuition and fees should be paid prior to the start of classes for the 6-Week or 8-week terms. You can pay in full, or set up a payment plan. You may make payment through you financial section of MyLeighton. If you do have questions or inquire more about payment plans, you may reach the Student Accounts Office.